Politics as usual
Yes I know I'm behind but I have a few thoughts on the post-Clinton era:
1. Thank goodness someone is trying to set the record straight on the so-called feminists for McCain. With all due respect to the battleworn second-wave feminists, some of whom have said some pretty stupid things, they do not speak for all feminists, much less all women, the majority of whom know that voting for someone who is not only against abortion but against BIRTH CONTROL goes directly against our self-interest. A thoughtful discussion here.
2. Should I be excited that Obama is going to get the Democratic nomination? Probably, but I can’t help feeling absolutely terrified that instead of treating his success as a matter of individual accomplishment, we’re going to use it to as ‘proof’ that we’re in a post-civil rights era where Guess what! Racism no longer exists! This article sums up my fears. From Ward Connerly, anti-affirmative action crusader and Chairman of the misleadingly named American Civil Rights Institute:
“The entire argument for race preferences is that society is institutionally racist and institutionally sexist, and you need affirmative action to level the playing field,” Mr. Connerly said. “The historic success of Senator Obama, as well as Senator Clinton, dismantles that argument.”You can bet he won't be the only one trying to make that point. Horrifying. Truly.
3. Now that Hillary is out of the picture, you might think we’d get a reprieve from the onslaught of misogyny and sexism in the media. Oh wait, here comes Michelle Obama, who *gasp* dares to open her mouth and speak her mind. Plus, she’s black! So Fox News couldn’t possibly help referring to her as “Obama’s Baby Mama”. No matter what Tina Fey wants you to think, that phrase is STILL OFFENSIVE. More analysis here.
Labels: affirmative action, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Michelle Obama, politics, reproductive rights
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